Collaboration hub reducing the impact of toxic leadership

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What we do

VENT brings together multidisciplinary collaborators, survivors and technology to co-create solutions reducing the impact of toxic leadership on individuals, communities, businesses and the environment. It is home to people’s stories about experiences of toxic leadership where you can gather insights and become a contributor.

How aware are you?


What guides us



Every and any step you take away from accepting and normalizing bad treatment at work shows courage. It is brave to consider change, to take a break, to reach out for help, to tell family and friends, to educate yourself and others, go public or to anonymously contribute to research.



There is no sustainability without diversity and no diversity without inclusion. At VENT individuals of all backgrounds, ages, sexual identities and abilities are welcomed and valued as equal contributors, bringing to light diverse perspectives and experiences of dysfunctionality in a workplace.



Together, as survivors, researchers, and professionals, we stand united to raise awareness about toxic leadership. Our collaborative efforts foster solidarity and empowerment to prevent misuse of power, combat its aftermath and champion ethical leadership across workplaces.

Getting informed

Toxic leadership, often kept secret, affects millions globally. Get informed to protect yourself and others, reducing the normalization and acceptance of workplace dysfunction and abuse.

Experiences of toxic leadership

The stories told through VENT are a compilation of lived experiences from around the world. The stories are grouped by company sizes. The quotations are paraphrased and details changed or omitted. Any similarity of situations and persons is coincidental. At VENT, we are continuously conducting interviews and this site is evolving. Don’t be a stranger! Visit us regularly to follow our research and stories.

This content may be triggering to some readers due to recollections of traumatic events relating to, and as a consequence of, violence and harassment at work.


Speak up - become the next target

Toxic pattern
lack of accountability
ignoring grievances

You have been working for this company for years, and grew tired of the unhealthy culture normalizing gossip and bullying. As you witness multiple people get hurt, you decide to speak up in hope of making a difference. The only difference is how you are treated now. You become the new target. Next in line to have their reputation and future at the company destroyed.

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Forced to run a fake investigation

Toxic pattern
supporting bullying

You are a respected professional with over 20 years experience. You’ve been a loyal and recognized employee for a decade. New leadership comes on board and suddenly the bullies run loose. You are sucked into an investigation designed to devalue, discard and humiliate you. All shortly before you can legally retire.

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Friends to foes

Toxic pattern

You join a new team, start a new life. You make a work friend who becomes a mentor and a friend only to one day turn on you and try to get you in big trouble. You become a target of threats, a topic of gossip. The leadership knows but doesn’t stop the bully. The HR tells you to “deal with it”.

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